Dreamer writes

Life is a gift you will return one day

By default, we have nothing.

There is an empty, cold space with only basic particles. For some bizarre reason, those particles start to form more complex structures, eventually becoming living organisms. Those organisms develop consciousness and, for a little while, are able to explore the reality around them.

We exist. This is the first gift.

We may be young and full of ideas. We may have some skills. We may get excited while doing certain activities. We meet people who share the same moment on Earth. We may get along well with some of them. These are really cool gifts. There are a lot of them if you look closely.

We get used to these gifts. We start to take them for granted. We expect more gifts. When the gift doesn't match our expectations, we get angry. We suffer greatly if the gift is taken away from us.

But that is the nature of our gifts. We will return them one day. All of them.

One day, youth is gone, skills are forgotten, and playing games suddenly becomes boring. Not to mention our friends who look at us only from the photo frames.

All the good days, loving people, career milestones - we don't own them. We just rented them for a little while.

Should we grieve the loss or be thankful for the gift?

Everyone needs to choose.

This is a piece of my home-made philosophy :)

I put things in that perspective to keep a healthy distance from all my expectations and ambitions, also to find peace and delight in existence. It helps a bit. I hope it does the same for you, fellow Reader.

"And how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist". Sleeping At Last - Saturn

#gratitude #life #philosophy #thoughts