Dreamer writes

I dream a lot and do nothing

So here I am. Twenty-five years old, about to finish my master's degree, full of ideas and potential since childhood. And nothing has ever come out of it.

I remember going to a bookshop when I was a kid and being fascinated by all those mysterious covers. I wanted to be a reader, read a lot, have a reading lifestyle. I bought many books but read maybe 20% of them. I got bored after a few chapters. I loved the idea of reading but not to actually read.

Today, I mainly have coding project ideas. I want to make my games, websites, products, monetize them, build something that would attract people. And still, I have built nothing. I'm an artist without art.

I get inspired easily. It's a really strong feeling. I walk around the room in excitement. I fantasize about the final result, see myself successful before even starting. It's like a drug. I escape reality.

I follow people showcasing their great work on the internet. I only see the impressive final results, no struggles and persistence along the way. I get the next dose of my inspirational drug and ask myself, "Why haven't I started yet? I will surely do it this time."

I have had a few tries, but most of the time, I got bored or faced unexpected difficulties, lost motivation, and quit. It was much cooler in my dreams. It isn't a true passion if I struggle, right?

Now, stronger than ever, I feel the need to finally commit to something. Ending my university chapter is a good time to start a new one. But what exactly should I do?

I'm drowning in possibilities. I would like to write a blog, have a YouTube channel, write many coding projects, start a company, and discuss philosophy and religion. I'm afraid to commit and dedicate myself to one thing. What if I choose the wrong path and waste time? It stresses me out, and in the end, I do nothing.

Dear Me, dreams are cool but fulfilling them is better. Start doing. Each day, put some time to make it reality. No fireworks or applause. Just you and pure action.

#dreams #life #work